A Proven, Client Centric Process For The Unique Talents You Need


A successful professional search demands a deliberate process that addresses the complex skill set biopharmaceutical firms are looking for. Whether it be an RPO, Project-Based, or Contigency engagement, we listen to your challenges and objectives and ensure the right process is developed to discover the highest qualified talent specific to your requirements.


We conduct discovery discussions with key stakeholders to gain a strong understanding of the company, culture, mission, process, and the roles needing to be filled. We unearth the key differentiators of your company and the opportunity to attract the top performers.


The T-Rex Network is a curated proprietary database of qualified professionals in your target markets. Over the past 15 years, we have built a deep network of relationships and referrals. Our multi-channel approach builds your talent pool of active and passive top performers.


We are by your side through the entire recruiting process including introductions, pre-qualifying, interviews, presentations, backgrounds, and references, all the way to offers and start dates.


We ensure that both you and candidates are empowered with all the information and resources needed to ensure a successful hire. We are not content until you are.